Starting Wasabi with parameters
Available commands
It is possible to start Wasabi with specific parameters. The parameters override the configurations in the configuration file.
When entering the commands on the command line, they are capital letter insensitive.
The parameters work for both the GUI and the Daemon.
Help about the options is available when using the command line by adding
to the executable: wassabeed --help or dotnet run -- --help when building from source.
Config file configurations
All configuration options available via the Config.json
file are also available as command line arguments:
Config File | Command Line | Environment variable |
""Network": "TestNet" | --network=testnet | WASABI-NETWORK=testnet |
"MainNetBackendUri": "" | --mainnetbackenduri="" | WASABI-MAINNETBACKENDURI="" |
"TestNetBackendUri": "" | --testnetbackenduri="" | WASABI-TESTNETBACKENDURI="" |
"RegTestBackendUri": "http://localhost:37127/" | --regtestbackenduri="http://localhost:37127/" | WASABI-REGTESTBACKENDURI="http://localhost:37127/" |
"MainNetCoordinatorUri": "" | --mainnetcoordinatoruri="" | WASABI-MAINNETCOORDINATORURI="" |
"TestNetCoordinatorUri": "" | --testnetcoordinatoruri="" | WASABI-TESTNETCOORDINATORURI="" |
"RegTestCoordinatorUri": "http://localhost:37128/" | --regtestcoordinatoruri="http://localhost:37128/" | WASABI-REGTESTCOORDINATORURI="http://localhost:37128/" |
"UseTor": "Enabled" | --usetor=enabled | WASABI-USETOR=enabled |
"TerminateTorOnExit": false | --terminatetoronexit=false | WASABI-TERMINATETORONEXIT=false |
"TorBridges": "[TorBridge]" | --torbridges="[TorBridge]" | WASABI-TORBRIDGES="[TorBridge]" |
"DownloadNewVersion": true | --downloadnewversion=true | WASABI-DOWNLOADNEWVERSION=true |
"StartLocalBitcoinCoreOnStartup": false | --startlocalbitcoincoreonstartup=false | WASABI-STARTLOCALBITCOINCOREONSTARTUP=false |
"StopLocalBitcoinCoreOnShutdown": true | --stoplocalbitcoincoreonshutdown=true | WASABI-STOPLOCALBITCOINCOREONSHUTDOWN=true |
"LocalBitcoinCoreDataDir": "/home/UserName/.bitcoin" | --localbitcoincoredatadir="/home/UserName/.bitcoin" | WASABI-LOCALBITCOINCOREDATADIR="/home/UserName/.bitcoin" |
"MainNetBitcoinP2pEndPoint": "" | --mainnetbitcoinp2pendpoint="" | WASABI-MAINNETBITCOINP2PENDPOINT="" |
"TestNetBitcoinP2pEndPoint": "" | --testnetbitcoinp2pendpoint="" | WASABI-TESTNETBITCOINP2PENDPOINT="" |
"RegTestBitcoinP2pEndPoint": "" | --regtestbitcoinp2pendpoint="" | WASABI-REGTESTBITCOINP2PENDPOINT="" |
"JsonRpcServerEnabled": true | --jsonrpcserverenabled=true | WASABI-JSONRPCSERVERENABLED=true |
"JsonRpcUser": "" | --jsonrpcuser="" | WASABI-JSONRPCUSER="" |
"JsonRpcPassword": "" | --jsonrpcpassword="" | WASABI-JSONRPCPASSWORD="" |
"JsonRpcServerPrefixes":["", "http://localhost:37128/"] | --jsonrpcserverprefixes=["", "http://localhost:37128/"] | WASABI-JSONRPCSERVERPREFIXES=["", "http://localhost:37128/"] |
"DustThreshold": "0.00005" | --dustthreshold=0.00005 | WASABI-DUSTTHRESHOLD=0.00005 |
"EnableGpu": true | --enablegpu=true | WASABI-ENABLEGPU=true |
"CoordinatorIdentifier": "CoinJoinCoordinatorIdentifier" | --coordinatoridentifier="coinjoincoordinatoridentifier" | WASABI-COORDINATORIDENTIFIER="coinjoincoordinatoridentifier" |
"ExchangeRateProvider": "MempoolSpace" | --exchangerateprovider=MempoolSpace | WASABI-EXCHANGERATEPROVIDER=MempoolSpace |
"FeeRateEstimationProvider": "MempoolSpace" | --feerateestimationprovider=MempoolSpace | WASABI-FEERATEESTIMATIONPROVIDER=MempoolSpace |
"MaxCoinJoinMiningFeeRate": 150.0 | --maxcoinjoinminingfeerate=150.0 | WASABI-MAXCOINJOINMININGFEERATE=150.0 |
"AbsoluteMinInputCount": 21 | --absolutemininputcount=21 | WASABI-ABSOLUTEMININPUTCOUNT=21 |
Non-Config file configurations
There are a few special switches that are not present in the Config.json
file and are only available using the command line:
Switch | Command Line | Environment variable |
Ignore P2P transactions | --blockonly=true | WASABI-BLOCKONLY=true |
The level of detail used during logging | --loglevel=trace | WASABI-LOGLEVEL=trace |
Specify to log only to specific target* | --logmodes=console | WASABI-LOGMODES=console |
The path to the directory used during runtime | --datadir="$HOME/temp/wasabi-1" | WASABI-DATADIR="$HOME/temp/wasabi-1" |
Open wallet "WalletName" | --wallet=WalletName | WASABI--WALLET=WalletName |
Expose the RPC as onion service | --rpconionenabled=true | WASABI-RPCONIONENABLED=true |
Tor will listen to this SOCKS5 port | --torsocksport=35000 | WASABI-TORSOCKSPORT=35000 |
Tor will listen to this control port | --torcontrolport=35001 | WASABI-TORCONTROLPORT=35001 |
Folder to use where Tor binary is located | --torfolder="$HOME/tor-browser_en-US/Browser/TorBrowser/Tor" | WASABI-TORFOLDER="$HOME/tor-browser_en-US/Browser/TorBrowser/Tor" |
- Available options are
(don't log at all),"file"
(log only to file),"console"
(log only to console) and"file,console"
(log to file and console).